A key project activity is to seek approval from local authorities before a construction site can be accepted .What should the project manager do when scheduling the project?
A:避免将该活动放在关键路径上 Avoid putting the activity on the critical path.
B:执行确定和整合依赖关系 Perform dependency determination and integration.
C:获得专家判断 Obtain expert judgment.
D:在风险登记册中添加一个新风险 Add a new risk to the risk register.
解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P191-确定和整合依赖关系 。“当地主管部门的批准”属于外部依赖关系,外部依赖关系是项目活动与非项目活动之间的依赖关系,这些依赖关系往往不在项目团队的控制范围内。 选项A:要获得批准,即使不在关键路径上,浮动时间不足,同样会影响项目工期。 选项D:做为一个风险进行跟踪,但题干问的是“在制定进度计划时应该做什么”