A:索引卡和张贴在墙上的笔记,因为这将为利益相关方提供项目状态的实时更新 Index cards and posted notes as it will offer stakeholders real-time updates on the project status
B:“使用软件,因为该公司有永久使用许可,不存在成本问题” The software tool as the company has unlimited user license so there is no issue regarding the cost
C:“遵循其他敏捷团队使用的方法来展示公司的项目状态或进度” Follow the same practices as used by other agile teams to indicate the project status or progress in the company
D:“使用信息发射源,因为发射源比高科技解决方案更好” Use information radiators as they are better than high tech solutions