Project team members think they can do work independently and believe that the project manager trusts them to deliver their tasks without managing the team closely. Which management style does the project manager demonstrate?
A :归属需求 Need for Affiliation
B :X理论 Theory X
C : Y理论 Theory Y
D :权力需求 Need for Power
解析:补充知识点 XY理论 X理论:人生来是自私、消极的,只能使用马斯洛低层次需求进行激励,适用于严格的管理; Y理论:人生来愿意工作并有所成就,能够自我激励,用马斯洛高层次需求进行激励,适用于支持性的工作氛围; X理论对人的看法是悲观的、消极的; Y理论对人的看法是乐观的、积极的; 题目中信任员工,独立工作,因此选择Y理论。