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To develop Project Deliverable, Project Management plan specifies that an analyst should provide data sets to project team at the beginning of each iteration. At the daily standup developer reported that there are no data sets available as analyst left company and role is not backfilled. Which action is appropriate out of following (Choose Two)

A :提交变更请求以更新成本和进度基准 Submit a change request to update cost and schedule baseline

B : 检查风险登记册,看是否有足够的应对 Check the risk register and see if there is an adequate response

C : 与负责人一起将问题记录在风险登记册中 Record the problem in risk register with responsible person

D :终止项目,因为现在没有前进计划 Terminate the project as there is no path forward now


解析:知识点出处:PMBOK 6th 页码:P455 章节: 风险登记册 · 已识别单个项目风险 · 风险责任人 · 商定的风险应对策略 · 以及具体的应对措施。 遇风险,先查册

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年5月29日
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